Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life is Hard...

I've been struggling a lot with the question of working or not working.  As much as I love being a mom, I feel like I need time away from them.  I'm thinking about going to school.  I think I'd like it, but the hubby and I already have decided that if I do that, then I'm going to have to go to work after I'm done.  In a way, I would really like to work, and in another, I don't.  I feel like the kids need me (although I think they'd benefit with the interactions from other kids in a daycare setting.)  I want to be a good mom, but I don't know what's right to do.  I would love to have some interaction with people (other than babies and the hubby) and work would be a great place to do that.  Plus, with Joe almost dying in a car accident in 2008, it's always been in the back of my mind that I need to have a career in place for just in case anything should ever happen to him (especially with wanting to add on to our family more)  Am I a bad mom for wanting some time away from them?  Will they hate me if I choose to work?  I just don't know........I'm so confused.  The more I pray, the more confused I start to feel.


  1. I can relate to the feeling of wanting to get out of the house and having interaction. I worked for a year back in Michigan and during that time I missed my children and husband terribly. when my husband was off i was working. It really showed me that I need to be home with them. I needed that wake up call. I would def continue to pray about it and He will awnser! Also if i am feeling cooped up or wanting some adult conversation I pray about that too... esp being in a whole new state, I pray to meet other woman and i def have! Its hard feeling tortured on that subject.. best of luck!!!

  2. Is there a way you could work part time during hours when Joe would be home so the kids wouldn't have to go to daycare (which can be expensive, too), but you could still get out of the house? I know mom's who've done that. And once the kids get to be school age you could also work while they're at school so it wouldn't feel so much like you're leaving them.

    Also, are there any mom's groups in your area (like MOPS or something like that) that could help you to connect to other adults?

  3. I was thinking about working part time...definitely considering it, because we could use the extra money, although, our church has a daycare as well (which can use state assistance) so that may be another route. I still have to pray more about it. :) There isn't a MOPS group in the area that I know of...
