Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Husband is back to work

My husband is amazing...He finally got work, and started today (ok, so it was orientation, but dude, a paycheck is coming!) He officially actually starts "working" tomorrow.  My oldest son didn't take it too well, as he's gotten used to daddy being here with us during every moment for the last 5 months.  He got sad, and started crying for him...so I held him for around half an hour, until he fell asleep.  He woke up crying about 30 minutes after that, and from there, we just waited out for daddy...it seemed like forever, but thankfully, didn't actually take too long.  Anyways though, hubby came home and surprised me with a wii game I've been wanting forever...
Yeah, it's pretty awesome.  It makes me feel like a COMPLETE idiot while doing it, but I have fun.  It's not really a game for scoring, or actually learning how to dance (unless you're really paying attention to the moves) but I had a good time trying to follow along, and being able to laugh at myself in the process.
Well, I guess that's about all. Tomorrow is another day, which I'm sure will be challenging since hubby is working again, but I just might be able to get lil man to cheer up and dance with mommy as she completely makes a fool of herself. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful on the news of the job!! And how sweet that he suprised you with a sweet gift! Sounds fun too, i will have to try it! aww your son sounds like my youngest, its hard for him when his daddy leaves too. Its hard on us mommas to calm them..i hope he understands too, i read your status that he has a wk before starting so hopefully the two of them can enjoy an extra special week together :)
